Behind the scenes

Earlier this week, I was invited to a private view of this year’s summer exhibition at the National Gallery in London, Vermeer …

The Organ Grinder

I was looking through a drawer of prints by Paul Almasy (Hungarian photographer, 1906–2003) last month when a familiar face appeared before me. Where had …

When Death Comes Knocking…

It is not every day that I receive an email with the somewhat surprising opening line “Hello, I am a photographer and …

North Korean Style

My young niece spent a fair amount of Christmas Day last year blaring out Psy’s Gangnam Style as loudly as she dared and …

Let the postman ring!

When did you last write a letter to anyone? A postcard maybe? Most of my own correspondence goes via email or text …

Hey, old friend!

“Hello, stranger!” Well, if this blog could speak that’s probably what it would have said this morning when I logged on to …

Happy Birthday, Tony Vaccaro

Tony Vaccaro is a very special person. I have always found his photographs extremely appealing and very human and have had the …

Spies like us

Some of the most intriguing topics in fiction can be the hardest to illustrate. Any experienced picture researcher will be able to …