A Personal Farewell

When I decided to study Fine Art in England, people asked me “Do you want to become an artist? Surely you can’t …

Growing up in East Berlin

Long-distance relationships are a tricky thing to master. Not having to argue over banal things such as “toothpaste cap on or off?” …

Brief Encounters

My most recent trip to New York City was memorable in many ways. Apart from a fabulous and inspiring PACA conference – …

Learning (to be) German

I was thirteen years old when the Berlin Wall came down. The reunification of East and West Germany happened while I was …

Dialling up the past

(This blog post has been translated from the German original which you can read here.) Telephones… they never used to interest me, …

A Declaration of Love

One of the many perks of being a Picture Researcher for an archive as varied as akg-images is being able to time-travel …

A Reni day

In the summer of 1998, it was decided that the chapel choir in which I sang would go on a mini-tour of …