Run for your life?

Watching my akg-images colleagues do a 6km run yesterday got me thinking about how incredibly democratic a sport running is. It is …


We are close to the annual celebration of Bastille Day and as I studied the French Revolution in art, I always remember …

The Wild East

Living in Berlin one cannot escape history. The history of Germany in the 20th century is everywhere in the city and even …

Let the postman ring!

When did you last write a letter to anyone? A postcard maybe? Most of my own correspondence goes via email or text …

Child’s Game

My sister and my 2 ½ year old niece visited me recently and as they were flying over from the UK, they …

Happy Birthday, Tony Vaccaro

Tony Vaccaro is a very special person. I have always found his photographs extremely appealing and very human and have had the …

Happy Birthday, Tony Vaccaro!

Tony Vaccaro ist ein ganz besonderer Mensch. Seine Fotos haben mich schon immer sehr angesprochen und ich hatte bereits mehrmals das Glück …